Self-doubt and Sylvia Plath

And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. -Sylvia Plath

Sometimes I wonder if I’m really a writer. What is a writer? Anyone can be one, right? All you need to do is well.. write. It’s one of the easiest things to do. To put down a bunch of sentences down that sometimes, make sense only to yourself, and the you are a “writer”. Why would anyone want to be something so easy? Sure, you need some amount of skill, but most of the time you could fake it right? Fake the pain, or the wit, or the feeling. And from what I hear, you don’t even get paid that well.

It really gets to me that I can’t even write when I want to. How am I going to survive writing for a living ? What happens when the words don’t come? I am one of those people who leave things to the last minute. Things just seem to work better that way, although I try planning ahead. I guess you could say I’m spontaneous, and that planning just never works. So although deadlines mean something to me, I’m never well prepared for them. I just give it my best shot, and I don’t even feel guilty about not losing any sleep over it.

However, I feel horrible if I’ve written/done something which I haven’t put any feeling into. Sometimes, things may not please other people but as long as I know that I’m satisfied with what I’ve done, nothing can touch me.

I guess thats what Plath means about self-doubt being the worst enemy.

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