nos·tal·gi·a (nŏ-stāl’jə, nə-)
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
Nostalgia is never a good thing , for me. Somehow, when I think of things in the past, its most often never fond. Like if I think of a particularly good meal, I don’t think of it with joy in my heart. I think “why the hell didn’t I eat more?” . If I think of something more emotional, like maybe a conversation I had with someone, or a a particular moment in time, I never look back on it with happiness. I’m always thinking of a hundred better ways the conversation could have gone, like how I should have probably shut up at one point, or how I should said something when I knew I had to say it.
When I hear a particular song associated with someone or something, it always gets me down. I think about them or the time, and I miss them or the time.So why make the associations? Why have the memories when they only end up making me feel horrible?
Memories are what you make of them. Each one has a positive or a negative aspect to it – it is for you to pick one or the other.