Deny, Deny, Deny

Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person faced with a fact that is uncomfortable or painful to accept rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

from here

For some reason, reading the clinical defiinition of such complex things like emotions always fascinates me. For me, it’s simply amazing that something so vast, and not completely comprehendable by man can be so easily put down in words for someone to “look up” and “understand”. That even though its written, right in front of you, you are never going to fully understand the full meaning of the ..err.. meaning.

I think denial is a wonderful thing. For the simple reason that so much of yourself is explained to you once you come to terms with it. The hard part is telling yourself that what you’re doing is definitely not working. It’s always easy to “deny” something when somebody else tells you something, but how long can you battle against you’re own denial?

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