Phase 1 Down.. 2 to go!

So I finished my first set of exams on Friday. The next set will be in January and then my finals in *gulp* March.

I dislike commenting on how my papers went, since my answer will invariably be held against me either at that time, or later! However, I did figure out that one of the secrets to writing an ISC exam is to actually write everything you know about a particular topic, regardless of if you have actually finished answering the question.

(Does that make sense?)

Oh I expect I should say something about this.
Well I don’t really know what to say. Disappointment? Sure. But then I guess he is one of those people who cannot function at all without without being comfortable with his situation himself. So if this is what makes him happy, then I’m sure it was the right decision to make.

Oh and on Friday, I gave in to temptation and bought one of those smiley-faced yellow stress balls :


But I know, deep down, it’s only a matter of time before my dog discovers its existence no matter how well I hide it in the desk drawer.

Sigh. Life is harsh.

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