Random know-more-about-this-blogger thing

Tagged by Karthik ( BTW Karthik, I’m still reeling from the shock that you actually got yourself to do this thing!)

5 things you wish you could say to people

  1. Stop talking.
  2. What happened to you?
  3. Stop saying you’re fat. I know you’re not, you know you’re not and everybody around you knows you’re not so I don’t really see the point of you going on about this invisible “flab”.
  4. Stop pretending you don’t like chocolate when I know you do. Actually, stop pretending you don’t like food when I know you do.
  5. Grow up. Seriously.

8 things about me

  1. I’m 18 (yay)
  2. I love Pride and Prejudice so much that I have an urge to pick up a copy every time I visit a bookstore.
  3. I am a GIMP addict. When bored, I Gimp.
  4. I like Blackcurrant ice tea. When given the choice between Peach and Lemon ice tea, I prefer Peach.
  5. I randomly look up people’s names on Google to see what results come up. Does that scare you?
  6. I love people watching. Often, I stare out of the window and concoct fictitious backgrounds and lives for individuals as they pass by me
  7. I want to adopt every stray kitten/puppy I meet.
  8. I take something to read with me no matter where I’m going.

One thing I wish I never did

Hmmm toughie. I guess taking History in the 11th and 12th grade.

Three turn offs

  1. People who always think they are right
  2. Lecherous men
  3. Fake laughs

4 things I want to do before I die

  1. Go to Paris.
  2. Walk on a cobbled street in London
  3. Get married.
  4. Interview Rahul Dravid.

One confession

I get paranoid very easily. And almost always, I get paranoid unnecessarily. To top things off, I don’t get paranoid about things I should actually be getting paranoid about. That might sound contradictory but its not. Let me give you an example: The one time I got “chucked” out of class because a bunch of friends and I were 7 minutes (I counted) late, I was very close to a nervous break down because I thought I was going to be expelled ( I never hear the end of this one). Ok, I just realized giving away a time when I should have been paranoid and I wasn’t isn’t a very smart thing to do on a public blog. Heh.

I tag : Aaskie, The Dove Next Door, Stuti and anybody else who wants to do this!

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