I’ve been having those blah weeks/days lately.

Must be the weather. But that’s horrible because I love this weather. It’s all nice and dark and depressing (yes, my father says I’m morbid person and I agree). But it seems to be doing not-so-good things to my life.

I tried doing some creative writing (voluntarily not part of school work or anything), and I simply cannot write anything I am even remotely satisfied with. And it’s not even like I have really high standards. This in turn leads to me to question my career as a future journalist because if I can’t write on demand then I’m pretty much.. toast.

Plus I have this horrible half-Flu thing that makes me tired but not sick enough that I have to stay in bed all day long. I tried studying, but that didnt work (when does it ever). I tried reading a novel, but I got bored.

BLEH. Life better get exciting soon.

I did take some pictures of my highly photogenic puppy dog at my photoblog.

PS: Scotland weather sucks.

One thought on “BLAH.

  1. Well … you can write on demand but not without practice. Use this blog for that. Pick topics and write … and with time you will be able to do that easily!

    Then writing on demand will happen!

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