Does one have to be self-obsessed(ish) to maintain a blog?
Just something I had to ask out loud.
And you know what. My current “lack of depressing events” is affecting my ability to write. Go figure. Maybe I have to artificially depress myself? But then was I really depressed all those times I thought I was depressed? Or did I just subconsciously fool myself into thinking I was depressed so that I could believe I was depressed so I could channel my angsty and heartbreakingly whirlwindy emotions into something remotely understandable?
Some people need alcohol, some drugs and me?
I need to be stuck , bang-in-the-middle of a low.
And because I’m bored and I have a taste for pink right now:
This graph sums up this entire post
Sometimes, when you’re sad or depressed, words come easier. It’s easy to write who you feel when you’re down that when you’re ok.
I think if you want a blog to be personal, then “depression”, or sadness can definitely help, as with any kind of creative work. As for blogs being self-obsessed, some people say that blogging by definition is “narcissism and bad taste”- in my own blog, I decided to stop writing anything personal and just stick to the bad taste!