
I feel like a card board cut-out. Two dimensional.

Of who, I don’t know. Myself maybe. I’m tired, so tired every moment. And before you say “It’s because you don’t eat breakfast” no, not that kind of tired. I find myself running from class to class, lecture to lecture, womenwomenwomenwomenwomenwomen all around. My legs just carry me around without me knowing where I am going, just that I have to be someplace. Like I’m on auto-pilot.

Exactly a month ago, I started college. And I just realized that I was probably holding my breath this whole time wondering if someone was going to stop me and say ‘ok time to get back to real life now’ . And then whoosh I would find myself back at school, back in the corridors, back with my school friends and back with the familiar faces all around me.

Do I still want that? Familiar has a new meaning now. Familiar is now brown and cream. Familiar now is the college song, the canteen, the sloping driveways, the notice boards, the three flights of stairs I have to walk to psychology class. Familiar is the wooden benches, the comfort of the studio. Familiar now is ma’am.

I looked at a picture today, and I miss it all. I miss knowing I’d find a seat on the bus. I miss knowing that the bus would arrive on time. I miss knowing that I didn’t have keep track of which stop, that I could sit wherever I pleased. I miss knowing attendance would be taken only twice a day, and not six times. I miss being able to walk into the library any time I wanted to, and borrow anything I liked.

But I’m not holding my breath anymore. Faces are blurry. Schedules are fuzzy. Voices are faint.

I’m in the grey space. The ‘adjusting period’. There’s an explanation to everything.

Washing away the days

So, my results came out some time ago. I did pretty ok my two best subjects being Literature and Political Science , and that seems fitting enough since they are the ones I enjoy the most ! I’m happy I decided to continue with Literature in college, but only time will tell if I’ll be any good at it at the degree level. And lets just say, I made the right decision in not continuing with history ;)

I am loving the weather here! I made a post a while ago complaining about the heat and voila! Rain!

I switched to the Advanced Mode on my EEEPC ,and it’s so much better! Customizing my desktop has become so much simpler! Since I still have some time left on my hands, lets see what I can do to personalize this thing more..

“Will you (still) want to make fraindship with me?”

It’s only been a couple of months since school officially “finished”, and already it seems staying in touch is the hardest thing. Obviously, I was one of those people who believed that she would be in constant communication with ok, if not all her friends, then maybe at least the ones who it was possible to stay in touch with. I’m not even saying the ones that “deserve” to be in touch with because to me it seems thats claiming a part of their lives that was easy to give to me when we were able to see each other everyday.

It’s not like I’ve forgotten our little rituals that took place almost without me consciously noticing they had become rituals: walks to the blue fence, “water” breaks that ended up being chatting sessions while we leaned against the lockers, the corner in the class near the shelves that always brought out the deepest darkest secrets. Who can forget the the angled corner of the granite that lay below the (nowgoneistillcantbelieveitomg) cherry tree. And the spot against the other blue fence, opposite our favorite cluster of the trees-with-the-green-almond-bomb fruit.

But somehow I feel the time for long and sad goodbyes has come and gone, and simply dragging it out makes it only more painful. Sometimes I wake up in the mornings wishing that I was going to school (well just for all the reasons except the learning bit), but most mornings I wake up with a feeling of “getting on” with life. I’ve made my share of mistakes in this whole “getting out of school while still remaining the tightest of friends” tango. It’s a strange phase in our lives, and what makes it all the more difficult is the fact that it affects us, the old us, the us that was always comfortable with talking of other people’s relationships and other people’s distancing. But now it feels like I have to make a choice (and this will like everything else I say sound highly exaggerated) between doing new things, and wishing I was still there in the midst of that grey-white-granite-ness, casually strolling from my locker to class with a friend beside me laughing over some comment that sounded perfectly right in my head, but so glaringly wrong when I said it out loud!

I don’t think there’s a resolution to this feeling. Maybe one day staying in touch wont matter to me so much, I can’t say. But for now, while I know it does, I just want to be able to say that hey, I miss you too and no, I haven’t forgotten what it felt like to be a part of us.

And so it begins.

Feb 29th English Language
March 3 English Literature
March 10 Sociology
March 14 Political Science
March 17 Environmental Education
March 26 Literature in English
March 27 History

March 30 Geetanjali Chitnis turns 18.

April 1st LST Tutions
April 5 Graduation
Sometime BAT 08 (Manipal University)
in May
May 11 CLAT 08

I need all the luck I can get.

Life update

Mocks are done :)

Finals start on the 29th of Feb, and will finish on the 27th of March.

Spent all of yesterday after my last mock with my friends . Went for lunch to Cafe Masala – the buffet is great!

Right now, I’m listening to “Believe” by The Bravery for like the bazillionth time today. And I’m finally going to watch “Om Shanti Om” in a couple of minutes.
It’s a few days respite before I hit the books (again).

Ah why can’t March 27th come sooner!



Before you ask: yes, I cried.

Although this may seem a bit random, I loved the weather during my last few days. Selfishly, it suited how I was feeling and it made me feel like everything around me was saying goodbye..

The last three days or so were spent writing long letters to everyone in class, and taking one billion pictures. I also went and visited each of my classrooms in elementary school, and took pictures with most of my old teachers. I went to the Junior Library, where I had spent so much of my time discovering the Little Men books, The Famous Five, The Baby Sitters Club, Sweet Valley Twins, and finally Nancy Drew before I moved to the big library on the other side of the campus. I visited the Western Music Room, and nothing had changed, not even songs the teacher (who taught me) was teaching the class that was in session then!


The playground. I looked at the wooden bridge that I would look at when I was younger and wish that I was taller so I could duck under it ( which in my 6-year-old mind signified that I had “grown up”). I looked at the slide with its lovely green railings, which was always the more preferable way of getting down compared to the “Batman Pole”. I looked at the large rubber tyres, and remembered the game we used to play where one person handled the “controls” (imaginary of course) and another would spin the person in the tyre depending on the “speed” they chose ( slow, medium, fast, extra fast).


And then there was Senior School. Our beloved Cherry Tree had to be unfortunately chopped down because of an infestation of termites, so our usual hangout spot during classes felt bare and open. I walked down the corridor that led from my locker to the classes, and it struck me that I will never be able to stop and chat with people while making my way to class again.


Clearing out my locker, for the last time , was an emotional ordeal. My locker (like my room) was always a perpetual mess, yet I always knew exactly where which book was. While pulling out stuff, I found a number of notes (which had been passed during those put-you-to-sleep lessons) and it hurt to think I would never be able to pass another note during Socio class again..

“Welcome to the real world”, she said to me
Take a seat
Take your life
Plot it out in black and white

“No Such Thing” by John Mayer

Two days to go..

Brrr it’s cold!

Anyway so I’m looking at my last two days of school . Time seems to be flying quickly, with all of us quietly (ok actually not so quietly) absorbing every possible moment left with each other. Without doubt, these past two years have been my best at this school. I learned that with a great bunch of friends, even the dreariest of times are livened up. My class, consisting of 20 girls and 2 guys.. well we all had our trying times. Heartbreaks galore, but we had each others shoulder’s to cry on and that made everything seem better. A lot of my friends tell me that I’ve changed a lot since I first met them, and it’s true. I was the “non-hugger”, the “non poser for pictures” . Look at recent pictures of me, and you can tell that has definitely changed!

The senti stuff is going to pour out, but I’ll save it for Thursday..