
Does one have to be self-obsessed(ish) to maintain a blog?

Just something I had to ask out loud.

And you know what. My current “lack of depressing events” is affecting my ability to write. Go figure. Maybe I have to artificially depress myself? But then was I really depressed all those times I thought I was depressed? Or did I just subconsciously fool myself into thinking I was depressed so that I could believe I was depressed so I could channel my angsty and heartbreakingly whirlwindy emotions into something remotely understandable?

Some people need alcohol, some drugs and me?

I need to be stuck , bang-in-the-middle of a low.


And because I’m bored and I have a taste for pink right now:

This graph sums up this entire post


Daddy, play that song again!

I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
Youre so self satisfied I dont need you
Ive got to break free
God knows God knows I want to break free

Ive fallen in love
Ive fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know its for real
Ive fallen in love yeah
God knows God knows Ive fallen in love

Its strange but its true
I cant get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free baby
Oh how I want to be free
Oh how I want to break free

But life still goes on
I cant get used to living without living without
Living without you by my side
I dont want to live alone hey
God knows got to make it on my own
So baby cant you see
Ive got to break free

Ive got to break free
I want to break free yeah

I want I want I want I want to break free…

- “I Want To Break Free” by Queen

One of my favorite songs since I was a kid. I can listen to it over and over and over again!

Phase 1 Down.. 2 to go!

So I finished my first set of exams on Friday. The next set will be in January and then my finals in *gulp* March.

I dislike commenting on how my papers went, since my answer will invariably be held against me either at that time, or later! However, I did figure out that one of the secrets to writing an ISC exam is to actually write everything you know about a particular topic, regardless of if you have actually finished answering the question.

(Does that make sense?)

Oh I expect I should say something about this.
Well I don’t really know what to say. Disappointment? Sure. But then I guess he is one of those people who cannot function at all without without being comfortable with his situation himself. So if this is what makes him happy, then I’m sure it was the right decision to make.

Oh and on Friday, I gave in to temptation and bought one of those smiley-faced yellow stress balls :


But I know, deep down, it’s only a matter of time before my dog discovers its existence no matter how well I hide it in the desk drawer.

Sigh. Life is harsh.

What can I say..

.. there’s just been so much happening!

Currently, I have mid-term exams going on. Not fun, but since when were exams ever fun? To add to it all, I spent three hours trying to write my Sociology paper sniffling and sneezing like crazy – the sickness cometh :(

Otherwise, things are great :)

I shall update as soon as I can !

At the stroke of the midnight hour..

when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom

Last night I was watching BBC Entertainment, and there was this pretty interesting programme on as part of an Independence Day Special called The Last Days of The Raj. Now since I’m actually studying the Freedom Struggle, it caught my interest and it definitely helped me understand things better as the details of the Freedm Struggle can be a bit overwhelming to study. I’m hoping to watch as many of these documentary type things as possible before I write my exam next month !

Anyway, I decided to read up on the speech Nehru made when India was granted independence, and it struck me that much of what he said in that speech still applies to this country today. One thing that stood out for me is this :

The future beckons to us. Whither do we go and what shall be our endeavour? To bring freedom and opportunity to the common man, to the peasants and workers of India; to fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease; to build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social, economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and fullness of life to every man and woman.

I can’t decide if the common man today has all the freedom and oppurtunity that he is entitled to. The burden of poverty, ignorance and disease still remains heavy on the nation, although I firmly believe that we are a progressive nation.

The whole text of the speech can be found here


Cover yourself up in me,
Shrouded in what could have been.
I will listen to your pain,
if you listen to me.

– “Story” by Maroon 5

People say time heals everything. And when people said that, I would scoff. How can letting go or staying away or running away possibly have a comfortable solution to anything? I always firmly believed that when you have an argument with someone, its always best to sort things out then and there. Basically, the idea is to not let the moment go. When things are are still fresh, when the pain still hurts..

But then I realized that sometimes its just best to let things go. Maybe sometimes its a better idea to give yourself some space. Let yourself give other things a chance and maybe, just maybe, things might look a bit better.

Perspective always makes a difference. And time..

It does heal.

Take My Breath Away

“At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. It’s like one day you realize that the fairy tale is slightly different than your dream. The castle, well it may not be a castle. And it’s not so important that it’s happily ever after – just that it’s happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in a while, people may even take your breath away.”

Meredith Grey – Grey’s Anatomy

Deny, Deny, Deny

Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person faced with a fact that is uncomfortable or painful to accept rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

from here

For some reason, reading the clinical defiinition of such complex things like emotions always fascinates me. For me, it’s simply amazing that something so vast, and not completely comprehendable by man can be so easily put down in words for someone to “look up” and “understand”. That even though its written, right in front of you, you are never going to fully understand the full meaning of the ..err.. meaning.

I think denial is a wonderful thing. For the simple reason that so much of yourself is explained to you once you come to terms with it. The hard part is telling yourself that what you’re doing is definitely not working. It’s always easy to “deny” something when somebody else tells you something, but how long can you battle against you’re own denial?

The Attack of Nostalgia

nos·tal·gi·a (nŏ-stāl’jə, nə-)

1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.

Nostalgia is never a good thing , for me. Somehow, when I think of things in the past, its most often never fond. Like if I think of a particularly good meal, I don’t think of it with joy in my heart. I think “why the hell didn’t I eat more?” . If I think of something more emotional, like maybe a conversation I had with someone, or a a particular moment in time, I never look back on it with happiness. I’m always thinking of a hundred better ways the conversation could have gone, like how I should have probably shut up at one point, or how I should said something when I knew I had to say it.

When I hear a particular song associated with someone or something, it always gets me down. I think about them or the time, and I miss them or the time.So why make the associations? Why have the memories when they only end up making me feel horrible?